I have 2 tables in mySQL db ... they are very large .. its about 1 million now and soon there will be 5 million or so
one - job seeker another - joomla user table
I want to copy or paste identifiers into the jobseeker table, where the email column is both matches.
i.e. email address = jos email users.
I used the query below, but it takes too much time and puts a lot of stress on the mysql server .... the requests get stuck and I always finish restarting mysql ...
UPDATE `jos_jbjobs_jobseeker` SET user_id = ( SELECT jos_users.id FROM jos_users WHERE jos_users.email = jos_jbjobs_jobseeker.email) WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT jos_users.id FROM jos_users WHERE jos_users.email = jos_jbjobs_jobseeker.email);
how can I optimize the above query to achieve better performance. In addition, I would be interested if it can be performed in batches, i.e. 20,000 or 40,000 entries per time.
Please inform
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