I am trying to install mysql2 on a server. so my first bad track was as follows:
gem install mysql2
Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing mysql2: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb checking for rb_thread_blocking_region()... no checking for rb_wait_for_single_fd()... no checking for mysql_query() in -lmysqlclient... no checking for main() in -lm... yes checking for mysql_query() in -lmysqlclient... no checking for main() in -lz... yes checking for mysql_query() in -lmysqlclient... no checking for main() in -lsocket... no checking for mysql_query() in -lmysqlclient... no checking for main() in -lnsl... yes checking for mysql_query() in -lmysqlclient... no checking for main() in -lmygcc... no checking for mysql_query() in -lmysqlclient... no *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may need configuration options. Provided configuration options: --with-opt-dir --without-opt-dir --with-opt-include --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include --with-opt-lib --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib --with-make-prog --without-make-prog --srcdir=. --curdir --ruby=/usr/bin/ruby1.8 --with-mysql-config --without-mysql-config --with-mysql-dir --without-mysql-dir --with-mysql-include --without-mysql-include=${mysql-dir}/include --with-mysql-lib --without-mysql-lib=${mysql-dir}/lib --with-mysqlclientlib --without-mysqlclientlib --with-mlib --without-mlib --with-mysqlclientlib --without-mysqlclientlib --with-zlib --without-zlib --with-mysqlclientlib --without-mysqlclientlib --with-socketlib --without-socketlib --with-mysqlclientlib --without-mysqlclientlib --with-nsllib --without-nsllib --with-mysqlclientlib --without-mysqlclientlib --with-mygcclib --without-mygcclib --with-mysqlclientlib --without-mysqlclientlib Gem files will remain installed in /home/aaalsubaie/.gems/gems/mysql2-0.3.11 for inspection. Results logged to /home/aaalsubaie/.gems/gems/mysql2-0.3.11/ext/mysql2/gem_make.out
This is not the end of the story
after launch
[ps89405]$ mysql
I tried
gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-config=~/.my.cnf --ruby=/usr/bin/ruby1.8
gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/etc/my.cnf --ruby=/usr/bin/ruby1.8
gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-config=/etc/my.cnf --ruby=/usr/bin/ruby1.8
No luck with the same error.
I do not start rvm
and my gem env
RubyGems Environment: - RUBYGEMS VERSION: 1.3.7 - RUBY VERSION: 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [x86_64-linux] - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/aaalsubaie/.gems/ - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/ruby1.8 - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /home/aaalsubaie/.gems/bin - RUBYGEMS PLATFORMS: - ruby - x86_64-linux - GEM PATHS: - /home/aaalsubaie/.gems/ - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 - GEM CONFIGURATION: - :update_sources => true - :verbose => true - :benchmark => false - :backtrace => false - :bulk_threshold => 1000 - REMOTE SOURCES: - http:
This is my second day in a row when I try to deploy my first application with rails, but it would be much easier for me.
now the command works and installs mysql2 gem thanks to Yanhao
gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config
I have a new problem with mysql2 gem when I started
bundle exec rails console
I got
/home/aaalsubaie/ajhezaty.com/releases/20120411095320/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.3.11/lib/mysql2.rb:9:in `require': no such file to load -- mysql2/mysql2 (LoadError) from /home/aaalsubaie/ajhezaty.com/releases/20120411095320/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.3.11/lib/mysql2.rb:9 from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.7/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:64:in `require' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.7/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:64:in `require' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.7/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:62:in `each' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.7/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:62:in `require' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.7/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:51:in `each' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.7/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:51:in `require' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bundler-1.0.7/lib/bundler.rb:112:in `require' from /home/aaalsubaie/ajhezaty.com/releases/20120411095320/config/application.rb:7 from /home/aaalsubaie/ajhezaty.com/releases/20120411095320/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.1/lib/rails/commands.rb:39:in `require' from /home/aaalsubaie/ajhezaty.com/releases/20120411095320/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/railties-3.2.1/lib/rails/commands.rb:39 from script/rails:6:in `require' from script/rails:6
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