Is it possible to install Xcode 4.3.2 on multiple poppies from the same boot?

I recently upgraded xcode to 4.3.2 on my macbook through the app store. Due to the really bad internet connection, it took me more than 12 hours here, and now I have to repeat this on other development machines.

Is there a way to move the completed installation to other systems? Perhaps a temporary installer exists somewhere in the system that I can archive for future use?

It is worth noting that this question:

Can I install Xcode 4 from the app store on multiple Mac computers?

does not talk about my problem, because 4.3.2 does not include the file "install".

Or am I doomed to reboot from the Mac app store on each machine ?: - (


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2 answers

For members of the developer program, Xcode can also be downloaded from the Apple website without the App Store. I know that you do not want to do another download. I just mention this because the download you get is just a disk image with in it. To install, you simply drag this to wherever you want, like any regular Mac application.

This strongly tells me that you can simply copy the that you received from the Mac App Store. However, he may also try to download additional things. For example, a set of documents and a command line component.


As @KenThomases mentioned, Xcode can be downloaded outside the App Store. This is the recommended approach if you want to deploy it on multiple Macs without the hassle of an Apple ID.

In addition, there is now an application for this: xcode-installer gem



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