Formastic Bootstrap Rails error - there is no such file to download ButtonsHelpers

I am completely stuck in this error. Using Rails 3.1 trying to deploy a distinctive instance of Bootastrap and getting an error:

`: no such file to load - formtastic / helpers / buttons_helper (LoadError)


*= require formtastic *= require formtastic-bootstrap 


 group :assets do gem 'sass-rails', " ~> 3.1.0" gem 'coffee-rails', "~> 3.1.0" gem 'uglifier' gem 'less-rails-bootstrap' gem 'bootstrap-sass' end 


 Formtastic::Helpers::FormHelper.builder = FormtasticBootstrap::FormBuilder gem 'formtastic' gem 'formtastic-bootstrap' 


 module FormtasticBootstrap module Helpers module ButtonsHelper include Formtastic::Helpers::ButtonsHelper def buttons(*args, &block) html_options = args.extract_options! html_options[:class] ||= "actions" if html_options.has_key?(:name) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('The :name option is not supported') end if block_given? template.content_tag(:div, html_options) do yield end else args = [:commit] if args.empty? contents = { |button_name| send(:"#{button_name}_button") } template.content_tag(:div, html_options.except(:builder, :parent, :name)) do Formtastic::Util.html_safe(contents.join) end end end def commit_button(*args) options = args.extract_options! text = options.delete(:label) || args.shift text = (localized_string(commit_button_i18n_key, text, :action, :model => commit_button_object_name) || Formtastic::I18n.t(commit_button_i18n_key, :model => commit_button_object_name)) unless text.is_a?(::String) button_html = options.delete(:button_html) || {} button_html.merge!(:class => [button_html[:class], "btn commit", commit_button_i18n_key].compact.join(' ')) # TODO We don't have a wrapper. Add deprecation message. # wrapper_html = options.delete(:wrapper_html) || {} # wrapper_html[:class] = (commit_button_wrapper_html_class << wrapper_html[:class]).flatten.compact.join(' ') accesskey = (options.delete(:accesskey) || default_commit_button_accesskey) unless button_html.has_key?(:accesskey) button_html = button_html.merge(:accesskey => accesskey) if accesskey Formtastic::Util.html_safe(submit(text, button_html)) end end end end 
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1 answer

I had the same problem. Apparently, the latest formtastic 2.2.0 release (yesterday) is not compatible with formtastic-bootstrap

To do this, you need to specify an earlier version of formtastic

Just add the following line above gem 'formtastic-bootstrap'

 gem 'formtastic', " ~> 2.1.1" 

this is a slightly earlier version of formtastic.



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