HTML5 placeholder attribute: Chrome does not wrap lines in text fields

I am trying to use a pair of these newfangled HTML5 form attributes, and the placeholder attribute seems to be suitable for get the magic.

This works very well, but Chrome insists on presenting all the placeholder text on one line if the text area is small. Other browsers, such as Firefox or rekonq (the only other WebKit browser I have at my disposal), encircle text.

While the spec says that line restrictions are not allowed in the placeholder attribute, it says nothing about line wrapping. Is this something that a developer can decide is a Chrome bug, or are other browsers wrong?

And, most importantly, of course, is there a workaround?

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1 answer

I registered this as a website error

Next time feel free to do the same. :)

As for the workaround, you can try this and make it refuse to detect the function in webkit.



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