In C #, how can I prepare a string that will be valid for a Windows directory name

I am writing a C # program that reads certain tags from files and creates a directory structure based on tag values.

Now in these tags can be anything

If the tag name does not fit the directory name, I must prepare it to make it suitable by replacing these characters with something suitable. Thus, the creation of the directory is not interrupted. I used the following code, but realized that was not enough.

path = path.replace("/","-"); path = path.replace("\\","-"); 

Please advise that this is the best way to do this.


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4 answers

Here you can use the full list of invalid characters to handle the replacement as you like. They are available directly through Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars and Path.GetInvalidPathChars .


Import the System.IO namespace and use the path


and for the file name use


For eg

 string filename = "salmnas dlajhdla kjha;dmas'lkasn"; foreach (char c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) filename = filename.Replace(System.Char.ToString(c), ""); foreach (char c in Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) filename = filename.Replace(System.Char.ToString(c), ""); 

Then u can use Path.Combine to add tags to create the path.

 string mypath = Path.Combine(@"C:\", "First_Tag", "Second_Tag"); //return C:\First_Tag\Second_Tag 

You should now use the following characters ? < > | : \ / * " ? < > | : \ / * "

  string PathFix(string path) { List<string> _forbiddenChars = new List<string>(); _forbiddenChars.Add("?"); _forbiddenChars.Add("<"); _forbiddenChars.Add(">"); _forbiddenChars.Add(":"); _forbiddenChars.Add("|"); _forbiddenChars.Add("\\"); _forbiddenChars.Add("/"); _forbiddenChars.Add("*"); _forbiddenChars.Add("\""); for (int i = 0; i < _forbiddenChars.Count; i++) { path = path.Replace(_forbiddenChars[i], ""); } return path; } 

Tip. You cannot include double quotation mark ( " ), but you can include 2 quotation mark ( '' ). In this case:

  string PathFix(string path) { List<string> _forbiddenChars = new List<string>(); _forbiddenChars.Add("?"); _forbiddenChars.Add("<"); _forbiddenChars.Add(">"); _forbiddenChars.Add(":"); _forbiddenChars.Add("|"); _forbiddenChars.Add("\\"); _forbiddenChars.Add("/"); _forbiddenChars.Add("*"); //_forbiddenChars.Add("\""); Do not delete the double-quote character, so we could replace it with 2 quotes (before the return). for (int i = 0; i < _forbiddenChars.Count; i++) { path = path.Replace(_forbiddenChars[i], ""); } path = path.Replace("\"", "''"); //Replacement here return path; } 

Of course, you will use only one of them (or combine them with one function with the bool parameter to replace the quote, if necessary)


Correct answer Nikhil Agrawal has some syntax errors.

For reference only, here is the compilation version:

 public static string MakeValidFolderNameSimple(string folderName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderName)) return folderName; foreach (var c in System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) folderName = folderName.Replace(c.ToString(), string.Empty); foreach (var c in System.IO.Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) folderName = folderName.Replace(c.ToString(), string.Empty); return folderName; } 


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