ASP.NET Management Not Available in CodeBehind

I am dragging a Label control on my ABC.ASPX page. It compiles correctly. But control ( Label2 ) is not available for ABC.ASPX.cs code for assigning values.

What is permission?

 <%@ Page language="c#" CodeBehind="ABC.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" %> <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Font-Bold="True"></asp:Label> 
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5 answers

You are probably missing an entry for this in the designer.cs file. You can add something like this to the file:

 protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label Label2; 

Or delete the designer.cs file, right-click the parent aspx file and select Convert to Web Application. This should recreate the designer.cs file with all the relevant entries.


You may need to add Inherits="XXX.ABC" to your Page Directive, where XXX is your root namespace. Also, I assume that you called your ABC class to match ABC.aspx.cs.


Try deleting the control, saving the file, adding the control again and saving the file again. The problem is probably in your * .designer.cs file, this approach should restore it.


After creating the custom component, I wanted to test it on the CalendarTest page. I, too, could not access the user component through the "For" code. I did not find the solution online, but through the trial version and the error I fixed it with the following steps:

1) in an aspx file, <% @Page ... requires "CodeFile =" instead of "src =" to point to the code behind the file

2) in the code behind the aspx.cs file, I need to replace "public class CalendarTest" with "public partial class CalendarTest"


Right click on the project, then select Convert to Web Application



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