Where are the files downloaded with pip stored in virtualenv?

I am on linux mint 12. I created virtualenv called userena . and then I installed django-userena using pip in this virtualenv. I need to edit some django-usrena files. Where are they located?

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5 answers

To find out where your virtualenv files are located, enable it and run the following bash command:

 $ echo $VIRTUAL_ENV 

Like your Python system, packages are stored inside the lib/python2.*/site-packages/ directory. Find your package there and edit the necessary files.


You need to know the path to env userena, first. Then the installed application is usually located in path_to_userena/lib/python2.x/site-packages/ . Django applications usually do not contain the django- prefix, so userena here.

Or you can find it in Python on

 import os.path, userena os.path.dirname(userena.__file__) 

if you use virtualenvwrapper (which I recommend):

lets say that I already use foo virtualenv and I have virtualenvwrapper installed:

 $ cdvirtualenv 

if this command goes to the path $VIRTUAL_ENV , which in this case:

 $ pwd /home/bernardo/.virtualenvs/foo $ ls bin build include lib local 

in my case, to see my virtual packages, I will go to lib/python2.7/site-packages or:

 $ lssitepackages figleaf figleaf-0.6.1-py2.7.egg-info initools INITools-0.3.1-py2.7.egg-info 

the cdvirtualenv and lssitepackages come from "virtualenvwrapper"


Packages that you download using pip or any other method in virtual env are stored in the virtual env folder ie

Suppose you are creating a virtual ENV environment, so the downloaded packages will be inside ENV / lib / python2.7 / site-packages


You will find virtualenv at home/.virtualenvs . In the .virtualenvs directory you will find your virtualenv


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/912769/

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