Dijkstra's implementation using a mini-heap, but failed

I try to implement Dijkstra Algorithm using min-heap in java, but every time I get the wrong output. Here I will introduce the same topic in C ++. Below is my schedule. Node A, green, source and Node F, which is red, is the destination. My goal is to find the shortest path length from A to F.

This is my graph

Below is my code

 public class Dijkstra { private static Heap heap = new Heap(); private static int[][] graph; public Dijkstra() { graph = new int[6][6]; /* * The graph value assignment is just for checking the code. node A is * referred as node 0, node B is referred as node 1 and so on. finally * node F is referred as node 5. */ graph[0][0] = graph[0][1] = graph[0][3] = graph[0][4] = graph[0][5] = graph[1][0] = graph[1][1] = graph[1][4] = graph[1][5] = graph[2][2] = graph[2][5] = graph[3][0] = graph[3][3] = graph[4][0] = graph[4][1] = graph[4][4] = graph[5][0] = graph[5][1] = graph[5][2] = graph[5][5] = 0; graph[1][2] = graph[2][1] = graph[2][3] = graph[3][2] = graph[3][4] = graph[4][3] = graph[4][5] = graph[5][4] = 1; graph[1][3] = graph[3][1] = 3; graph[0][2] = graph[2][0] = 4; graph[2][4] = graph[4][2] = 5; graph[3][5] = graph[5][3] = 8; } public static void main(String[] args) { Dijkstra dij = new Dijkstra(); // Source is node A (node 0) and destination is node F (node 5) System.out.println(dij.solve(6, 0, 5)); } public int solve(int numOfNodes, int source, int dest) { heap.push(source, 0); while (!heap.isEmpty()) { int u = heap.pop(); if (u == dest) return heap.cost[dest]; for (int i = 0; i < numOfNodes; i++) { if (graph[u][i] >= 0) heap.push(i, heap.cost[u] + graph[u][i]); } } return -1; } } class Heap { private int[] data; private int[] index; public int[] cost; private int size; public Heap() { data = new int[6]; index = new int[6]; cost = new int[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { index[i] = -1; cost[i] = -1; } size = 0; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (size == 0); } private void shiftUp(int i) { int j; while (i > 0) { j = (i - 1) / 2; if (cost[data[i]] < cost[data[j]]) { // swap here int temp = index[data[i]]; index[data[i]] = index[data[j]]; index[data[j]] = temp; // swap here temp = data[i]; data[i] = data[j]; data[j] = temp; i = j; } else break; } } private void shiftDown(int i) { int j, k; while (2 * i + 1 < size) { j = 2 * i + 1; k = j + 1; if (k < size && cost[data[k]] < cost[data[j]] && cost[data[k]] < cost[data[i]]) { // swap here int temp = index[data[k]]; index[data[k]] = index[data[i]]; index[data[i]] = temp; // swap here temp = data[k]; data[k] = data[i]; data[i] = temp; i = k; } else if (cost[data[j]] < cost[data[i]]) { // swap here int temp = index[data[j]]; index[data[j]] = index[data[i]]; index[data[i]] = temp; // swap here temp = data[j]; data[j] = data[i]; data[i] = temp; i = j; } else break; } } public int pop() { int res = data[0]; data[0] = data[size - 1]; index[data[0]] = 0; size--; shiftDown(0); return res; } public void push(int x, int c) { if (index[x] == -1) { cost[x] = c; data[size] = x; index[x] = size; size++; shiftUp(index[x]); } else { if (c < cost[x]) { cost[x] = c; shiftUp(index[x]); shiftDown(index[x]); } } } } 

When I run all this code, I get 0 as an output, but you can clearly calculate the cost from Node from A to Node F - 7 (4 + 1 + 1 + 1 = ACDEF). Where is the mistake?

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2 answers

You are testing an existing edge using graph[u][i] >= 0 . But your chart has no edge for a value of zero. Therefore you must change it to

 if (graph[u][i] > 0) ... 

inside the solve method. Another possibility is to mark non-existent edges with a value of -1 in your matrix. It would also allow the use of zero costs.


On the heap, you have two values: the index that identifies the node, and the value that determines the distance from the node. You choose the cost, that is, the distance, but you used it as an index to identify the node.

 public int pop() { int res = data[0]; ... return res; } 

and in solution ():

  int u = heap.pop(); if (u == dest) ... 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/912765/

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