Var_dump or print_r and html coding
<?php $x = array("<b>","<i>","b","i","<h1>hello</h1>"); print_r ($x); echo "<hr>"; var_dump ($x);
outputs this to the html source!
Array ( [0] => <b> [1] => <i> [2] => b [3] => i [4] => <h1>hello</h1> ) <hr>array(5) { [0]=> string(3) "<b>" [1]=> string(3) "<i>" [2]=> string(1) "b" [3]=> string(1) "i" [4]=> string(14) "<h1>hello</h1>" }
obviously i could be hss'ed by this!
How can I make sure the values โโof the htmlencoded array?
Although this question has an accepted answer, I think David Morrow's answer is the best / easiest / most practical (uses the print_r
echo "<pre>".htmlentities(print_r($some_array, true))."</pre>";
However, here is another solution using output buffering:
<?php ob_start(); print_r($some_array); $buffer = ob_get_clean(); echo "<pre>".htmlentities($buffer)."</pre>"; ?>
Or you can just save print_r in a string and then print it by specifying the second parameter to true.
$arr = array('<script>alert("hey");</script>'); $str = print_r($arr, true); echo htmlentities($str);
<strong> outputs:
Array ( [0] => <script>alert("hey");</script> )
script is not executed
A simple solution would be to use array_walk_recursive
array_walk_recursive($inputarray, function(&$v) { $v = htmlspecialchars($v); });
The function that works for me is described in this comment on PHP in PHP .
Its function, replacing var_dump
, is implemented as:
function htmlvardump() { ob_start(); $var = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array('var_dump', $var); echo htmlentities(ob_get_clean()); }
This works for me in PHP 5.3+.
(Note that there was a typo in the original source).
Thanks Knittl, this is what I came up with. works the way i wanted!
<?php $x = array("tag1" => "<b>","tag2" => "<i>","tag3" => "b","tag4" => "i","tag5" => "<h1>hello</h1>"); echo "<hr><pre>"; blp_print_r ($x); echo "<hr>"; print_r($x); echo "</pre><hr>"; /* outputs this in the browser normal view new one... Array ( ['tag1'] => <b> ['tag2'] => <i> ['tag3'] => b ['tag4'] => i ['tag5'] => <h1>hello</h1> ) traditional one... Array ( [tag1] => [tag2] => [tag3] => b [tag4] => i [tag5] => hello ) */ function blp_print_r($inputarray){ echo "Array\n(\n"; echo "<blockquote>"; array_walk($inputarray,"html_encoder"); echo "</blockquote>"; echo ")"; } function html_encoder($current_val,$current_key){ echo "['" , htmlentities($current_key, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") , "']", " => "; echo htmlentities($current_val, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") , "\n"; } ?>
I found this page very useful, but I changed the functions to be recursive, the function of the walker handler checks the array for the value after the echo of the keystroke, and then calls the original function in this array. I think this makes it a real "htmlentity recursive function", hence the new name ...
function htmlentities_print_r( $inputarray ) { echo "<pre>" ; array_walk( $inputarray , "html_encoder" ) ; echo "</pre>"; } function html_encoder($current_val,$current_key){ echo "['" , htmlentities($current_key, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") , "']", " => "; if ( is_array( $current_val ) ) { blp_print_r( $current_val ) ; } else { echo htmlentities($current_val, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") , "\n"; } }