How to resolve conflict with xib file merge?

Our project uses svn to manage the original version. We have a problem, when xib changes to 2 people, it will almost conflict after the merge. I open the confilct file with vim, the information is not readable, and I do not know how to resolve the merge conflict.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? How to solve it?

Thanks in advance.

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2 answers

First, I would check if it is possible to manually merge it. Xib is an xml file. You can open it with and search for "<<<<You will see two blocks, mine and a revision from svn.

If this is not possible, you will return your code, update and retry. And there are several more ways to solve this problem. How to merge conflicts (project.pbxproj file) in Xcode using svn?


I confirm that I am simply editing the file using a text editor ...



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