I set authentication in my application, like this, always allow when the username is provided, and the API key is 123:
object Auth { def IsAuthenticated(block: => String => Request[AnyContent] => Result) = { Security.Authenticated(RetrieveUser, HandleUnauthorized) { user => Action { request => block(user)(request) } } } def RetrieveUser(request: RequestHeader) = { val auth = new String(base64Decode(request.headers.get("AUTHORIZATION").get.replaceFirst("Basic", ""))) val split = auth.split(":") val user = split(0) val pass = split(1) Option(user) } def HandleUnauthorized(request: RequestHeader) = { Results.Forbidden } def APIKey(apiKey: String)(f: => String => Request[AnyContent] => Result) = IsAuthenticated { user => request => if(apiKey == "123") f(user)(request) else Results.Forbidden } }
Then I want to define a method in my controller (testOut in this case) that uses the request only as application / json. Now, before adding authentication, I would say: "def testOut = Action (parse.json) {...}", but now when I use authentication, how can I add parse.json to mix and make this work?
def testOut = Auth.APIKey("123") { username => implicit request => var props:Map[String, JsValue] = Map[String, JsValue]() request.body match { case JsObject(fields) => { props = fields.toMap } case _ => {} // Ok("received something else: " + request.body + '\n') } if(!props.contains("UUID")) props.+("UUID" -> UniqueIdGenerator.uuid) if (!props.contains("entity")) props.+("entity" -> "unset") props.+("username" -> username) Ok(props.toString) }
As a bonus question, why only the UUID is added to the props, and not the entity and username?
Sorry for the noob factor, I'm trying to learn Scala and play at the same time. :-)
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