Install xcode "install setup" from terminal?

Anyway, can I change the setting in xcode without opening xcode? I have an automated xcodebuild / xcrun process, but I need to change the value 1:

Goals> Select Goal> Build Settings> Code Signing Rule Resource Path Add: $ (SDKROOT) /ResourceRules.plist

I cannot find the file where I can put this line ...

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2 answers

What you can do is run:

xcodebuild -target <target> -configuration <configuration> -showBuildSettings 

This command shows all the parameters that were filled in to transmit the target and configuration. Find the name of the key containing $(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist (call him THE_KEY), and then try:

 xcodebuild -target <target> -configuration <configuration> THE_KEY=<new_value> 

Do not guarantee that it will work.


You can try pbxproj . This is a python module that helps you manage Xcode projects using the command line.

Your issue may be

You can pip install pbxproj have it.

And here is an example presented in the official repo:

 from pbxproj import XcodeProject # open the project project = XcodeProject.load('myapp.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj') # add a file to it, force=false to not add it if it already in the project project.add_file('MyClass.swift', force=False) # set a Other Linker Flags project.add_other_ldflags('-ObjC') # save the project, otherwise your changes won't be picked up by Xcode 


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