I just updated my android adt to version 17 and now I can not start my Android projects. When I try to update, it gives me an error:
The Android SDK requires the Android Developer Toolkit version 17.0.0 or higher. The current version is 16.0.1.v201112150204-238534. Update ADT to the latest version.
I tried updating it, but it shows me this
Cannot complete the request. See the error log for details. Android DDMS will be ignored because it is already installed, and updates are not permitted. Android Development Tools will be ignored because it is already installed, and updates are not permitted. Android Hierarchy Viewer will be ignored because it is already installed, and updates are not permitted. Android Traceview will be ignored because it is already installed, and updates are not permitted.
Is there a way to fix this or can I lower ADT to fix this problem.
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