Selection from a table in which the name is passed as a variable

I am trying to write a simple stored process that takes three arguments "database name one", "database name two" and "table name". Then sql will do a row count for a specific table in each database and save it.

Working on it in parts, I ran into the first problem that you cannot do

select * from @tablename 

I know that you can use dynamic sql with the exec command, but this is not ideal since I cannot return the values.

The following example looks as if it should work, but does not work.

 declare @tablename as nvarchar(500) declare @sqlstring as nvarchar(500) declare @parmdefinition as nvarchar(500) declare @numrows as bigint set @tablename = N'dummy_customer' set @parmdefinition = N'@tablenameIN nvarchar(500), @numrowsOUT as bigint OUTPUT' select @sqlstring = 'select @numrowsOUT = count(*) from @tablenameIN' select @sqlstring exec sp_executesql @sqlstring, @parmdefinition, @tablenameIN = @tablename, @numrowsOUT = @numrows OUTPUT select @numrows 

The specified error message

 Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Must declare the table variable "@tablenameIN". 

Currently using SQL Server 2008 SP2.

Edit: We do this because we are doing the migration, and the client wants to get a report that shows the number of rows for each table in the source and target database. Since there are many tables that can use sp_MSForEachTable to call a stored proc, it seems ideal.


The ultimate solution for future use.

 declare @tablename as nvarchar(500) declare @sqlstring as nvarchar(500) declare @parmdefinition as nvarchar(500) declare @numrows as bigint set @tablename = N'dummy_customers' set @parmdefinition = N'@tablename nvarchar(500), @numrowsOUT as bigint OUTPUT' select @sqlstring = 'select @numrowsOUT = count(*) from ' + quotename(@tablename) exec sp_executesql @sqlstring, @parmdefinition, @tablename = @tablename, @numrowsOUT = @numrows OUTPUT select @numrows 
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1 answer

You will need to use dynamic sql and concatenate the table name into an SQL string, and then execute through sp_executsql:

 select @sqlstring = 'select @numrowsOUT = count(*) from ' + QUOTENAME(@tablename) EXECUTE sp_executesql .... 


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