What is a C # replacement for the following definitions?
#define IS_FINITE(x) (0x7FF0 != (*((unsigned short*)(&x) + 3) & 0x7FF0))
Maybe double.IsInfinity(x) == false or double.IsNegativeInfinity(x) == false ?
double.IsInfinity(x) == false
double.IsNegativeInfinity(x) == false
!double.IsInfinity(x) && !double.IsNaN(x)
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/912501/More articles:opencv statement (general) - c ++What is the closest way to pass string arguments from a bash script to a matlab file? - bashHow to check if SQL Server tables are system tables - sql-serverSave PGP (public) keys in java keystore - Bouncycastle - javaGet a list of tables but not include system tables (SQL Server 2K)? - sqlSQL Server 2008 SELECT * FROM @variable? - variablesLinkedIn iPhone App for iPhone - iosSave XLS with Interop Excel - c #How to disable access logs in apache via htaccess? - apacheHow to save html, javascript and css files in html5 local storage? - javascriptAll Articles