Limitations in the implementation of the interface in java

Possible duplicate:
The Java generics restriction requires a default constructor such as C #

I want to set a restriction on type T so that it has a constructor without parameters. In C #, it will look like this:

public interface Interface<T> where T : new() { }

Is this feature available in Java?

Update: is there any trick to make generic type T a constructor?

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4 answers

Answering your updated question: only a class can have a constructor in Java, T is a type literal, it doesn't have to be a class. At runtime using reflection, you can check if your ParameterizedType class has a parameter that is actually a class, and if it has an empty constructor.


You cannot define an interface for constructors in Java. You also cannot impose any other restrictions for entering parameters other than type.


You cannot do this at compile time in Java. I think the best thing you can do is try to check this at runtime using reflection to do something like:

 public static <T> boolean hasDefaultConstructor(Class<T> cls) { Constructor[] constructors = cls.getConstructors(); for (Constructor constructor : constructors) { if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { return true; } } return false; } 

Then you can call this function by doing the following:

 hasDefaultConstructor(String.class) => true; hasDefaultConstructor(Integer.class) => false; 

If this function returns false, then you know that the class will not have a default constructor, and you can throw an exception or something suitable for your application.


You can make T an extension of the class using the constructor you want

 public interface Interface<T extends Constructable>{} public abstract class Constructable{ public Constructable(params..){ } } 


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