How to reduce jqGrid date column width

I tried the last answer from jqgrid - a calendar icon that does not appear in inline editing mode to show a datetime column with a button.

I use the date format The width of the input field is too large and there is a lot of empty space between the data and the button. How to reduce the width of the date field or the navigation button immediately after the date?

Data field width

Update Increasing the width of the column does not solve the problem, it just adds extra free space to the right:

increase width


I tried the demo from the updated part of the answer, but the button width is still too large:

oleg demo too big

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1 answer

There may be some implementation differences between your code and the code from my old answer . If I increase the column width of the column that holds the date I get

enter image description here

where the button is located immediately after the input field. Adjusting the column width to 110 gets the results as shown below

enter image description here

(see demo ). Therefore, it seems to me that you just need to set the column width so that there is enough (but not too much) space to store both the date and the icon.

Alternatively, you can reduce the font size of the datepicker input field:

enter image description here

by including type code

$(elem).css("font-size", "55%"); 

before calling datapicker. See another demo . You can also reduce the size of the button used.

UPDATED . You can further reduce the size of the datepicker button, as you can see in the demo :

enter image description here

In the demo, I used the following datepicker call:

 $(elem).datepicker({ dateFormat: '', showOn: 'button', changeYear: true, changeMonth: true, showWeek: true, showButtonPanel: true, onClose: function (dateText, inst) { inst.input.focus(); } }); $(elem).next('button.ui-datepicker-trigger').button({ text: false, icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-calculator'} }).css({fontSize: '0.9em', width: '1.7em'}) .find('span.ui-button-text') .css({padding: '0.1em'}); 


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