What is `edit` attr in the meta tag

I looked at the jsfiddle code and saw the following lines:

<meta name="description" edit="mootools shell, easy test you snippets before implementing"> <meta name="keywords" edit="mootools,javascript,javascript framework,shell,test"> <meta name="robots" edit="all"> 

I have never seen an edit attic before. What does it do? I could not find information about w3.org or google

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2 answers

I would argue that this is simply a mistake on their part, and the attribute β€œedit” should be β€œcontent”. Maybe you should send them a note and let them know.

Update: I just sent Peter a note letting him do this. I am updating my answer with his answer (if any).


The edit attribute is not valid html :

  Line 4, Column 33: there is no attribute "edit" <meta name="description" edit="mootools shell, easy test you snippets before … βœ‰ 

So this means that it is either used by jsfiddle to pass values ​​to their js, or by some web crawlers that I don't know about.

I checked the Google crawler, but it does not mention any such attributes.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/912338/

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