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Develop a list of functions that reduce the size of the English string. Order functions from smallest to shading itself.
For each line in v1
, the hide function is repeatedly applied until it can no longer reduce the size of the line, and then move on to the next function.
When the desired size x
been reached, check that the given string is unique with respect to the lines already in v2
. If yes, add it to v2
, if not, continue to use masking functions.
Below are some ideas for downsizing functions that are subjectively ordered from smallest to most obscure. (Random selections are intended to increase the likelihood that a given string is unique.)
- Replace the random appearance of two space characters in the same space
- Replace the random occurrence of punctuation followed by a space with one space.
- Delete one random word that is also a member of the kill list (for example, "I", "a")
- Delete a random two-character word that is also a member of the kill list (for example, "an", "of")
- Delete the three-digit word in random order, which is also a member of the kill list (for example, "the", "and")
- Replace five or more symbolic words with a word consisting of the first and last characters (for example, “number” becomes “numr”, “colors” becomes “colrs”).
- Remove vowel randomly
- Delete a word that occurs in a large number of lines in v1. The idea is that very common words have a low meaning.
- Translate the word / phrase into the shorter word "license plate" based on the dictionary (thesaurus) (for example, )
(Note: the last two functions will require access to the original unchanged string and the correspondence between unchanged and changed words.)
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