Is there a way to do batch geocoding (get lat / lon by address and vice versa)?

The Google Geocoding API has severe limitations (2,500 requests per day), and we always get a marginal error. Their business license costs $ 10,000, and it's too expensive for us.
The service should work in different languages ​​and different countries.
The service should check the address and return lat / lng. Addresses can be strings with different formats.

We are ready to pay for such a service, and it is preferable to use the RESTful API.

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5 answers

Have you looked at Nominatim ? You can collapse your own OpenStreetMaps data, or you can send OpenStreetMaps or MapQuest requests. Possible flaws include the CC license (attribution is required, it may or may not be a problem for you) and the verification problem (data is almost completely crowdsourced, so inaccuracies occur). Efforts include less restrictive usage policies, frequent updates, worldwide coverage, and of course you can't beat the price.


I worked at SmartyStreets , and what you are describing is their primary domain.

You might be interested in LiveAddress, which translates addresses to lat / lon and can handle thousands of requests per second . It is geographically distributed between 3 data centers and has a RESTful endpoint. You can make up to 100 addresses per request . There's also a list processing version if you have an Excel or CSV file or something like that.

The highest price tag is $ 10 thousand, but gives an unlimited search throughout the year.

Some code examples are at .

There is no such restriction in their license agreement to limit your use. Dbaseman is right: you get extreme errors because it’s a TOS violation (if you don’t get a business license from them, but even then the addresses are “best guessed” - they are not standardized and not verified, like using the CASS-Certified service This is what you need to keep in mind).


No, no, and if you look at their licensing, it is clearly intended to prevent you from using their service. Basically, you should use it if

  • the end user initiates each API request and
  • Your service is free.

They also prohibit you from storing / caching your service results in a database. Google simplifies the prototype using its tools, but as soon as you start to scale up, you will pay (not so different from M $ in this respect).


The following options may include you

I contacted Google directly about the issue of licensing Google Maps. Unfortunately, they do not understand that a large market share is lost due to cost.


just try this yui

Limits of use

Application limit (indicated by your passkey): 100,000 calls per day

Within IP: / v1 / public /: 1000 calls per hour; / v 1 / yql /: 10,000 calls per hour

Postcode + Coordinates between countries and geographic regions



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