I wanted to know how to determine the input file for wget, to download multiple files and set their own name for them using wget -i filename
wget -i filename
Analog Example Using -O
wget -O customname url
-O filename only works when you give it one URL.With multiple URLs, all downloaded content ends with filename .
-O filename
You can use while...loop :
cat urls.txt | while read url do wget "$url" -O "${url##*/}" # <-- use custom name here done
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/912149/More articles:When do we need protected inheritance? - c ++Page ad serving - google-chromeGood practice using reverse indexes on surrogate keys? (Oracle) - oracleFinding the index of the maximum element from a list - pythonHow to get c code to execute hex bytecode? - cIs there a way to do batch geocoding (get lat / lon by address and vice versa)? - google-geocoding-apiUsing a web service using POST instead of the usual WSDL route - httpHow to save global variables in iOS development? - iosSigning SOAP Messages Using X.509 Certificate from WCF Service for Java Web Service - c #How to sign a SOAP request with WCF - c #All Articles