For several days, when I got stuck in this problem, I tried to delete / clear all keys / certification and reload them, I tried to delete all the provisioning profiles and cancel them and update. But every time I get this problem,
Im working with the latest Xcode, 4.3.2.
warning: checking for failed application code. The signature was invalid, contains prohibited rights, or it was not signed with an iPhone distribution certificate. (-19011) "
Validate / Users / jimmylind 91 / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / JagHarAldrig-bkpyqdmptyxcntauxwsbrsqbmlji / Build / Intermediates / ArchiveIntermediates / JagHarAldrig / IntermediateBuildFilesPath / UninstalledProducts / Jaghdmldjagdmldjagdmldjagdmdmjagdmdmjagdmdmjagdmdjagdmld PATH "/Applications/ / SBIN: / SBIN "setenv PRODUCT_TYPE /Applications/ / Users / jimmylind 91 / Library / Developer /Xcode/DerivedData/JagHarAldrig-bkpyqdmptyxcntauxwsbrsqbmlji/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/JagHarAldrig/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/
warning: checking for failed application code. The signature was invalid, contains prohibited rights, or it was not signed with an iPhone distribution certificate. (-19011) Executable = / Users / jimmylind91 / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / JagHarAldrig-bkpyqdmptyxcntauxwsbrsqbmlji / Build / intermediates / ArchiveIntermediates / JagHarAldrig / JarAndrigdarldagrardrigdarldagrardjarldgarapp profile ratings / Users / jimmylind 91 / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / JagHarAldrig-bkpyqdmptyxcntauxwsbrsqbmlji / Build / Intermediates / ArchiveIntermediates / JagHarAldrig / IntermediateBuildFilesPath / UninstalledProducts / JindHimm JindHim Library /DerivedData/JagHarAldrig-bkpyqdmptyxcntauxwsbrsqbmlji/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/JagHarAldrig/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/ met the requirements for testing t specified requirements (-am) code codeign_wrapper-0.7.10: failed to execute code (1) - (null)
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