"(# 100) Error finding the requested history" that occurs when sending POST, as in the message

I use the Graph API to receive messages that the user has been tagged in, and then display similar messages on POST ing messages before [post_id]/likes . However, despite the fact that the mail obviously exists because I was able to get post_id , the following error occurs when issuing a similar situation:

 (#100) Error finding the requested story 

I believe this only seems to affect posts with post_id in the format [user_id]_[post_id] .

Is this a known bug or is there a workaround?

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1 answer

old question, but might help someone. For me, the problem was that if the confidentiality of messages is publicly available, then you can access it in the way you do and it works fine, but if there are user settings in the confidentiality, you will get the above error. The fix that worked for me was to get the read_stream permission from the user, if the user gives you that permission, than you can use the message just like you do (for example, [post_id] / likes)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/912007/

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