Easy way to break a crease

I need to exit foldl. Here is a dummy example of how to break from the fold when I am counting the sum of the values ​​in a list and encountering a value too large (i.e. 10)

L = [1,2,3,4,10,5,6,7], Res = try lists:foldl( fun(I, Value) -> if (I < 10) -> Value + I; true -> throw({too_big_value, Value}) end end, 0, L) catch throw:{too_big_value, Value} -> Value end, Res. 

I know this example is artificial, but is there any good way to break a crease (I know that creases always look through the whole structure)?

Please note that I need to get the correct data, even if I break. In this case, I should get the data from the previous iteration (as it was in my example).

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2 answers

You do it right, using a throw with try / catch for a non-local return. If a function looked at the return value from fun to decide whether to continue or not, it would no longer add up.


Just curious, what's the point of using foldl here? If you need to break free, use recursion, foldl not intended for it.

 main([]) -> L = [1,2,3,4,5,10,6,7], io:format("[~w]", [s(L, 0)]). s([], S) -> S; s([H|T], S) -> if (H < 10) -> s(T, S + H); true -> S end. 


Other parameters are takewhile :

 lists:foldl(fun(E, A) -> A + E end, 0, lists:takewhile(fun(E) -> E < 10 end, L)) 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/912006/

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