OnKeyUp event in Android browser for non-lingual languages

The default browser for Android does not fire OnKeyUp events on text inputs if the user enters non-Latin characters.

For example http://jsfiddle.net/Hzjhz/ . It works for English characters, but does not work for Russian and Korean characters.

Are there any ways to avoid the problem?

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3 answers

I could confirm this problem on my Nexus S phone running ICS. Although I do not have a direct answer to this question, I could offer you several alternatives.

  • Try also binding the onBlur event, and you can check the data that the user entered.
  • Another alternative is to hook setTimeout to the onfocus event and try to check if the text entered by the user has changed.

Try using onKeyMultiple for non-Latin IME characters. I did not use this for the browser, but in the application for another use case.

You should try this, if it works, I will talk about it.


try InputEvent , it works in the default android browser. don't work in chrome


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911946/

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