I want to send pipe and stdin output to a channel in bash.
gen_input | cat - | parse_input_and_stdin
will send the output of gen_input to parse_input_and_stdin , and then leave stdin open for more interactive input.
cat <(gen_input) - | parse_input_and_stdin
To close.
{ gen_input ; cat ; } | parse_input_and_stdin
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911913/More articles:Why does the ComponentCount property of my TGroupBox return 0? - delphiThe only and double underlining of the differences in the @synthesize declaration is objective-cRare matrix operations in CUDA - c ++Should WebRequest.CachePolicy work with code running in IIS? - c #Git Rename - gitI have never seen before C a method of initializing an array of structures found in the original Linux kernel - cHow to check if socket connection supports in Boost :: asio? - c ++Binding Text property with ApplicationBarIconButton in WP7 - windows-phone-7How to check php file for undefined functions? - phprunning a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit machine - linuxAll Articles