DB2 LINQPad Support

I know that I can connect LINQPad to the EF model and be able to run queries to retrieve the results and lambda expressions, but for DB2 it does not display SQL due to the fact that the provider is not passed LINQPad by EF. It seems that if I want to see SQL, I need to write my own driver for DB2 to make it work. I read the documentation and it is a little over my head. Anyone have an example of this work, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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2 answers

Have you seen the LightSpeed ​​driver for LinqPad? He claims to support DB2. http://www.mindscapehq.com/blog/index.php/2010/03/01/lightspeed-and-linqpad-the-perfect-partners/


I installed the DevExpress XPO driver.


It seems the connection string should be something like

XpoProvider = DB2; Server = MyAddress: MyPortNumber; User ID = MyUserName; Password = MyPassword; Database = MyDatabase; Persist Security Info = true

Driver files come with the installation of devExpress. Therefore, this use may also be trial.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911864/

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