Eclipse: Where to post the NDK link? Native development is missing?

I need to integrate some c code with my Android application. I did R&D and found out that I can do this through the NDK (Native Development Kit).

I downloaded the NDK and read the article and watched the video to configure the NDK, but the Android node in Preferences does not show the Native development node to set the NDK link.

I missed some step or any other problem ... please help

see my preference window.

enter image description here

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4 answers

I followed this guide , but when I installed the Sequoya packages, it didnโ€™t work - there werenโ€™t any new options in the settings or context menu.

I am working on Ubuntu 10.10, so I tried adding these lines to .bashrc

# Android definitions export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/android-ndk-r7c export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$HOME/android-ndk-r7c export NDK=$HOME/android-ndk-r7c 

I ran Eclipse again and installed the Sequoyah packages on Eclipse again - which I never uninstalled, so it was a bit strange. But it worked.

Perhaps if you have Windows, you can try adding them as Enviroment variables.


When installing the ADT plugin as:

There you go. You can find the option in Windows-> Preferences-> Android-> NDK. Set the path accordingly


For me, the NDK path was missing because I did not install the Java Development Kit . Installing this and restarting eclipse led to an NDK link in the menu


I have the same problem on Win7, Eclise Juno.

  • move / copy NDK, CDT and plugin functions from / eclipse / dir to the backup directory. files and mask: org.eclipse.cdt *; *; it will save time when restoring NDK

  • in Eclipse, uninstall Android Native Developer Tools via Eclipse / Help / Install new software / already installed / ... close eclipse

  • Update environment variables:
    PATH update = $ PATH: $ HOME / android-ndk-r8c
    new ANDROID_NDK_ROOT = $ HOME / android-ndk-r8c
    new NDK = $ HOME / android-ndk-r8c
    just as mentioned by marina

  • copy files and files from backup back to / eclipse / functions and plugins

  • run eclipse and install NDK again



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