.Net Obfuscator Problems.

I am creating some applications and decided it was time to run my code through the obfuscator. I downloaded and used Eazfuscator.NET, and then after installing the application, I downloaded Ispy to see how well this process works.

What I discovered was that I could still easily see a lot of code, for example, most of the logic routines were in some parts of my staff. Yes, the lines were changed, but some items that I consider quite important were visible.

For example, when I create an application authentication key, there are some elements that I attach to the key before starting my encryption. These elements were visible when I used Ispy to view the assembly. The passphrase in my encryption library was hidden, but I feel that this is even more information than I would like someone to see it.

My question is, is this normal behavior when using an obfuscator? Or should I try others?

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3 answers

Use the following settings for Eazfuscator.NET to get the best results:

[assembly: Obfuscation(Feature = "code control flow obfuscation", Exclude = false)] [assembly: Obfuscation(Feature = "PEVerify", Exclude = false)] [assembly: Obfuscation(Feature = "encrypt symbol names with password mypassword", Exclude = false)] [assembly: Obfuscation(Feature = "encrypt resources [compress]", Exclude = false)] 

in your assembly information file


Try Crypto Obfuscator - it has many obfuscation methods, including string encryption, obfuscation of the control flow, hiding the method call, protecting resources, etc., which is very difficult to read and understand the code.

DISCLAIMER: I work for LogicNP Software, a developer of Crypto Obfuscator.


The advanced obfuscation functions used to obfuscate assemblies, so convoluted .NET code is much more difficult to understand or cannot be decompiled. We can protect a .NET application and a DLL with code protection that combines and includes code level code encryption, anti-reverse engineering, anti-debugging, tamper protection and more to prevent unauthorized access and modify your assemblies.

I am using FxProtect-.Net Obfuscator. This is really good.

You can try ... .NET Obfuscator


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911753/

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