Multiple databases are possible, but in most cases, I think that an aggregate database will really give better performance to your branches. Keep in mind that you only optimize when updating a document in a view; each document will be processed only once per view.
For polling at the end of the day in the aggregated database, the first branch will process 100% of new documents and pay 100% of the delay. All other branches will pay 0%. Thus, most industries are profitable. For polling at the end of the day in separate databases, all branches pay a portion of the fine in proportion to their volume, so most of them are slightly behind.
For frequent updates during the day, active branches prefer aggregate and low-level branches to prefer separate. If one branch out of 10 adds 99% of the documents, most of the upgrade work will be done on other industry polls, so 9 out of 10 prefer separate dbs.
If this delay matters, and if the couch has some clock cycles that are not in use, you can write a three-line shell loop / view / sleep script that updates some documents before any user waits.
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