Cocos2d compilation cannot find module with tag libjpeg '

I installed the Android SDK, Android NDK, eclipse correctly, and I have the latest cocos2d repository from git.

I followed the steps on the wiki to create a project, and I did the right thing.

The problem occurs when I run. / build, I get this error:

Cannot find module with tag 'libjpeg' in import path 

I checked and I believe the error is in the last zone:

  LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES: = cocos_libpng_static
 LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES + = cocos_jpeg_static
 LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES + = cocos_libxml2_static

 # define the macro to compile through support / zip_support / ioapi.c                


 $ (call import-module, libjpeg)
 $ (call import-module, libpng)
 $ (call import-module, libxml2)

I read these steps several times, and I did not forget (I think) anything. Can anyone who compiled the code help me?

Full error:

  Android NDK: jni /../../../ cocos2dx / Cannot find module with tag 'libjpeg' in import path    
 Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined?    
 Android NDK: The following directories were searched:    
 Android NDK:         
 make: Entering directory `/ home / pipero / git_checkout / cocos2d-x / PiperoStest / android '

Thanks in advance.

EXTRA: I created the project using: $ COCOS2D>, and I cannot open the project in eclipse so as not to compile directly using ndk from eclipse.

EXTRA2: Steps from HERE

EXTRA3: I already changed NDK_ROOT_LOCAL="$LIBS/android-ndk-r7b" ANDROID_SDK_ROOT_LOCAL="$LIBS/android-sdk-linux"

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2 answers

I followed the following steps with version 0.12.0 (2012-03-05) and worked:

1º Install Android NDK

2º Install the Android SDK

3º Android Instal Plugin for Android on Eclipse.

4º Download ./ using the NDK and SDK paths.

5º Compile a new project with ./

  • Select ID (android). If you receive a warning, it means that he cannot find the NDK.
  • the name of the project
  • It will be created in the current folder.

6º Compile the Cocos2d libraries inside the project folder using ./ .

7º Create a new Android project from the source code in the project folder> android.

8º Run the project, and Cocos2d wallpaper should appear on it.


I fixed this by adding the following in to the cocos2d directory:

 $(call import-add-path, $(LOCAL_PATH)/platform/third_party/android/prebuilt) 

This was added immediately before this section, which is located at the bottom of the file:

 $(call import-module,libjpeg) $(call import-module,libpng) $(call import-module,libtiff) $(call import-module,libwebp) 


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