The difference between color and colors in `.vimrc`

What is the difference between the color and colorscheme commands used in .vimrc ?

Just curious, since for Janus: Vim Distribution uses color , while README for Solarized Colorscheme for Vim uses colorscheme .

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2 answers
 :colo[rscheme] {name} Load color scheme {name}. This searches 'runtimepath' for the file "colors/{name}.vim. The first one that is found is loaded. 

The abbreviation for colorscheme is color


I think VIM is trying to use the appropriate command. If there is only one command starting with color (here colorscheme ), then it can be reduced to a point where it is not more unique. If you tried to use only col , and this fails because there is another colder command. The last sentence was mainly an assumption, so see @ZyX's comment for a real reason.

So, color and colorscheme match until there is no other command starting with color .



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