Dapper must support it. Are you sure your function is in the correct database?
Here is an example of fast VB.NET.
Using conn = IDbConnectionFactory.CreateFromProvider("System.Data.SqlClient", CONNECTION_STRING) Dim sqlCommand As String = "SELECT dbo.fx_SumTwoValues(@valueOne,@valueTwo) As SumOfTwoValues" conn.Open() Dim result = (conn.Query(Of Integer)(sqlCommand, New With {.valueOne = 1, .valueTwo = 2})).First() Console.WriteLine(result.ToString) End Using
And here is the function that I created on the same db that I use in my connection.
CREATE FUNCTION fx_SumTwoValues ( @Val1 int, @Val2 int ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN RETURN (@ Val1+@Val2 ) END GO
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