If you really don't want to use CSS or the setStyle()
method, you can use the following:
// new Image(url) Image image = new Image(CurrentClass.class.getResource("/path/to/package/bg.jpg")); // new BackgroundSize(width, height, widthAsPercentage, heightAsPercentage, contain, cover) BackgroundSize backgroundSize = new BackgroundSize(100, 100, true, true, true, false); // new BackgroundImage(image, repeatX, repeatY, position, size) BackgroundImage backgroundImage = new BackgroundImage(image, BackgroundRepeat.REPEAT, BackgroundRepeat.NO_REPEAT, BackgroundPosition.CENTER, backgroundSize); // new Background(images...) Background background = new Background(backgroundImage);
Detailed documentation can be found on BackgroundImage
here .
(Sorry for the answer to this old question.)
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