You can use the SQL stored procedure below to calculate the result of any formula with any number of variables:
In 2012, I wrote a solution that can evaluate any type of mathematical formula using SQL SERVER. The solution can process any formula with N variables:
I was asked to find a way to evaluate the value given by a formula filled in by the user. The formula contains mathematical operations (addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction). The parameters used to calculate the formula are stored in the DATA BASE SQL server.
The solution I found myself was as follows:
Suppose I have n parameters used to calculate a formula, each of these parameters is stored on one row in one data table. - The data table containing n rows for use in the formula is called tab_value - I need to save n values found in n rows (in tab_values) in one row in one new table using the SQL cursor - for this I create a new table called tab_formula - In the cursor I will add a new column for each value, the column name will be Id1, Id2, Id3, etc. - Then I will build a SQL script containing the formula for calculating the formula
Here, after the full script, I hope you find it useful, you can ask me about it.
The procedure uses as input: -Formula A table containing the values used to calculate the formula
if exists (select 1 from sysobjects, where name = 'usp_evaluate_formula' and xtype = 'p') drop proc usp_evaluate_formula go
create type type_tab as a table (id int identity (1,1), val decimal (10,2)) go create proc usp_evaluate_formula (@formula as nvarchar (100), @values as type_tab readonly), so how to start - CAMEL GAZZA 05/09/2016
declare table @tab_values (id int, val decimal (10,2))
remove from @tab_values paste into @tab_values (id, val) select * from @values
declare @id as int declare @val as decimal (10,2)
if it doesn’t exist (select 1 from sysobjects, where name = 'tab_formula') create a table tab_formula (identifier identifier (1,1), formula nvarchar (1000)) if it doesn’t exist (select 1 from tab_formula where formula = @formula) insert into the values of tab_formula (formulas) (@formula)
declare with cursor to select id, val from @tab_values declare @ script as nvarchar (4000) open c fetch c in @id, @val while @@ fetch_status = 0 begin set @ script = 'if does not exist (select 1 from syscolumns c inner join sysobjects o to = where = '' tab_formula '' and = '' id '+ convert (nvarchar (3), @id) +' '') change table tab_formula add id '+ convert (nvarchar (3), @id) +' decimal (10,2) 'print @scriptexec (@script) set @ script =' update tab_formula set id '+ convert (nvarchar (3) , @id) + '=' + convert (nvarchar (10), @val) + 'where formula =' '' + @formula + '' '' print @script exec (@script) extract c in @id, @ val end close c deallocate c
set @ script = 'select *, convert (decimal (10,2),' + @formula + ') "Result" from tab_formula where the formula =' '' + @formula + '' '' print @ scriptExec (@script)
declare @mytab as type_tab; insert into @mytab (val) (1.56) values; insert into @mytab (val) (15) values; insert into @mytab (val) (25) values; insert into @mytab (val) (32) values into @mytab (val) values (17) into @mytab (val) values (33) insert into @mytab (val) values (37.9)
Exec usp_evaluate_formula'cos (ID1) + Cos (ID2) + Cos (id3) + Cos (ID4) + Cos (ID5) + Cos (ID6) + Cos (ID7) / COS (ID6) ", @mytab
go drop proc usp_evaluate_formula drop type type_tab drop table tab_formula