Grouping data weekly, monthly

I have an elevator chart showing daily and weekly stock prices for a given stock. The problem is that the data array is large enough and the daily data points are β€œsampled” into the weekly data points, and the weekly data is checked to the monthly data points.

Is there a way to install them by the user weekly or monthly, when necessary.

Thanks in advance

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3 answers

Check out dataGrouping .
You can customize it when necessary, for example,.
Or , if you want to disable , you can set it to false, for example, the code below or here :

series: [{ type: 'candlestick', name: 'AAPL', data: arrayOfData, dataGrouping: { enabled: false } }] 

You can change dataGrouping.units at any time using the update() method of each series:

 // var unit = 'week'; //'day' 'month' // _chart.series.forEach(function(ser) { ser.update({ dataGrouping: { units: [ [unit, [1]] ] } }, false); }); _chart.redraw(); 



We tried Hack around this, where we used Highstock (Splinechart) RangeSelector , Event and DataGrouping . When we click the weekly rangeselectorButton, we will catch this event through setExtremes . The message catching the event brings it closer to the "sum". If you use two series than iterating over an object.

  events: { setExtremes: function (e) { if (e.rangeSelectorButton != undefined) { var triger = e.rangeSelectorButton; if (triger.type == 'week') { $.each(this.series, function (index, obj) { obj.options.dataGrouping.units[0] = ['week', [1]]; }); } else if (triger.type == 'day') { $.each(this.series, function (index, obj) { obj.options.dataGrouping.units[0] = ['day', [1]]; }); } } } }, 

@ fiddle



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