We tried Hack around this, where we used Highstock (Splinechart) RangeSelector , Event and DataGrouping . When we click the weekly rangeselectorButton, we will catch this event through setExtremes . The message catching the event brings it closer to the "sum". If you use two series than iterating over an object.
events: { setExtremes: function (e) { if (e.rangeSelectorButton != undefined) { var triger = e.rangeSelectorButton; if (triger.type == 'week') { $.each(this.series, function (index, obj) { obj.options.dataGrouping.units[0] = ['week', [1]]; }); } else if (triger.type == 'day') { $.each(this.series, function (index, obj) { obj.options.dataGrouping.units[0] = ['day', [1]]; }); } } } },
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