I currently have this:
[SomeCustomAttribute] public string Name { get; set; }
However, I want this attribute to decorate only the installer, not the recipient. Is there any way to do this?
The following are syntactically allowed:
public string Name { get; [SomeCustomAttribute] set; }
The rest matches (your?) SomeCustom .
Of course, it should be a method attribute, not a property attribute.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911506/More articles:Set UINavigationBar - iosAnalysis of culture information in .NET. - .netUsing IIterable - collectionsChanging the contents of a WPF window - c #Where ExtJS Action fits into the MVC pattern - extjs4C # to generate anonymous delegates that use the same closure variable - c #Apply attribute to get / set methods of a property through a batch file - c #OptimisticConcurrencyException exception using System.Web.Providers - sql-serverAny way to ignore possible Null Reference exception warnings when using Assert statements? - c #Reflection / Refraction with Chromatic Aberration - Eye Correction - matrixAll Articles