So, I have something like:
[IO Blah, IO Blah, IO Blah]
and I really only need a list of Blah s, how can I do this?
PS: Yes, I work in the input / output function.
Use sequence .
Evaluate each action in a sequence from left to right and collect the results.
do blahs <- sequence listOfIoBlah -- now use blahs
You want sequence :: Monad m => [ma] -> m [a] . It works as you expect: all actions are performed in order, the results are collected and returned. Please note that nothing is returned if all commands are not completed.
sequence :: Monad m => [ma] -> m [a]
Hoogle can be very helpful in answering such questions if you know how to formulate the question as a type, for example: 5Ba% 5D
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