How to add Google translation to goldendict I use GldenDict as a standalone dictionary, and sometimes I can be online when I want to add Google translation to GoldenDict. Can you give me a hand? Thanks
On the Sources tab, select websites and add the following:
Español-Inglés:|es|%GDISO1% Inglés-Español:|es|%GDWORD%
Source: articles:as ssh to a remote host and immediately execute the command - linuxVery strange -% I did not work for integers,% d did? - MVC4 - Internal Server 500 Error - Publish Only - asp.netDifference between () and jQuery.on () - jqueryDuplication of elements in widgets GridView - androidRunning Ant task before debugging in Eclipse - eclipseJs plugin convert matrix parameter to css3 transform property? - javascript color for jqplot pie chart - javascriptWhat are the base events by default? - javascriptAll Articles