Java - write two files atomically

I ran into a problem for which I do not have a clean solution. I am writing a Java application and the application stores certain data in a limited set of files. We do not use any database, just files. Due to some user initiated actions, some files need to be changed. I need this to be an all-or-nothing operation. That is, either all files are updated, or none of them. This is catastrophic if, for example, 2 out of 5 files are changed, and the remaining 3 are not due to some kind of IOException exception.

What is the best strategy for this? Is embedding a database in memory like hsqldb a good reason to get this kind of atomicity / transactional behavior?

Thanks a lot!

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5 answers

Safe IMO Approach:

  • Backup
  • Keeping a list of processed files
  • In case of an exception, restore those that were processed using the backup.

It depends on how heavy it is, and for time limits, etc.


What is the best strategy for this? Is embedding a database in memory like hsqldb a good reason to get this kind of atomicity / transactional behavior?

Yes. If you require transactional behavior, use a well-tested system that has been designed with this in mind, rather than trying to topple your own on top of an untrusted substrate.

File systems generally do not support multi-file transactions.

Non-Windows file systems and NTFS typically have the property that you can replace an atomic file, so if you cannot use a database and

  • all files are in one fairly small directory
  • who owns your application and
  • which is stored on one physical disk:

then you can do the following:

  • Copy directory contents using hard links.
  • Change 5 files.
  • Atomic replacement of a modified copy of the catalog with the original

Ive successfully used the apache transaction library for transactions with atomic files. This allows you to modify files in a transaction and potentially roll back from failures.

Here's the link:


My approach would be to use locks in your Java code. Thus, only one process could write a file at a time. I assume that your application is the only one who writes files. If even in this case there is a problem with recording "rollback" of your files, you need to save a copy of the files, for example, the one suggested above.


Can you lock all the files and write them only after all the files are locked?



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