Updating phpmyadmin (and other packages) on Debian Squeeze

I just installed a new virtual machine with Debian Squeeze (latest stable version, 6.0.4). I go to the web server, so I installed the usual ... apache, php5, mysql, phpmyadmin, etc.

Everything went well, everything works.

My question is about updating packages. I noticed that phpmyadmin version is 3.3.7 ... the latest is Performing an upgrade / upgrade apt-get does not update the package.

How to update packages on a Debian Squeeze server if apt-get update / upgrade does not work?


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1 answer

You can download the latest version from the official page and follow the instructions inside the compression file for installation.

Alternatively, if you want to use debian repositories, you can add

deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free 

in the file /etc/apt/source.list

Also add

 Package: * Pin: release n=testing Pin-Priority: 500 

in / etc / apt / preferences

In this case, you will have all the packages for the test version, but they will not be installed if you do not specify them, so run

 apt-get update apt-get install <package name>=<version> 


 apt-get install phpmyadmin= 

you can check different versions with

 apt-cache showpkg phpmyadmin 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911354/

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