Why does eclipse open another emulator?

Why does Eclipse open a new emulator when the emulator is already open? Sometimes it happens, sometimes it is not. Does anyone know why? I hate it when it’s not, and I would like to fix this “problem”

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5 answers

This is because your project properties are not configured to start manually and for some reason (SDK or target version) the emulator opens in a new instance.

Solve: Right-click your project -> Run As -> Run Configurations

Then make sure that the selected project is the one selected on the left and the name is on top.

Then you will see the “Target” at the top: enter image description here

Choosing a guide should allow you to choose an executable emulator. If not, make sure your project SDK is installed with the installed SDK version or a compatible range:

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" /> <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="14" /> 

or in any range that you plan to support, and the AVD / emulators that you configured.

Hope this helps!


Yes, it is annoying. I also don’t know how to fix it, but instead, I always let me manually select a device for debugging. Then at least you can choose the right device / emulator. Right-click your project, select Run, Run Configurations ..., then select the Target tab. Change the deployment target selection mode to manual. Automatically with the selected device, it is supposed to work, but I find that it will start something else. If it is not installed, you can try it and see if it works for you.


according to your project.

if you use regular AVD and you are trying to run a google api project, then it will automatically open google avg what its suits are.

as well as your api level.

if your project is 2.3 and you are using the Android Android 2.1 API, it will try to open 2.3 avd from your AVD list.


This usually happens because of two things:

adb crashed

Yes, this happens, adb crashes at some point and loses traces of devices / emulators. In this case, close the second emulator and restart adb, for example. through the ddms application or on the command line using adb kill-server and then adb start-server . Then restart, and everything will be fine.

Are you trying to run the application with a higher / different api than the emulator

If you run the application 3.0 and you have 2.3. the emulator is open, the plugin will launch a higher api level emulator for you. Or, if you need the Google APIs and the emulator doesn't have them, the same thing will happen. Sometimes you get a dialog to choose what you want to do, but not always. Not sure when this actually happens.


I have come across this annoying many times, sometimes it happens. and I think I know a way to fix it. I think that it happens that the adb connection with the emulator breaks or becomes faulty, so Android launches a new emulator, although you already have an emulator for the same platform. To fix this problem. Go to the DDMS tab → Devices → Select the "Reset adb" option (which is the last option). Then you will see an error report in the console, but after a minute your emulator will be ready to use without problems. I do this all the time and it works.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911338/

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