How to make vim vundle install the plugin in a different way

By default, vundle installs vim plugins in ~ / .vim / bundle / on linux machine.

How can I install plugins for installation:

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1 answer

It should be as simple as passing the target directory to the rc() function when configuring vundle. The implementation of this function explains it quite well if you know a little vimscript:

 func! vundle#rc(...) abort let g:bundle_dir = len(a:000) > 0 ? expand(a:1, 1) : expand('$HOME/.vim/bundle', 1) let g:vundle_log = [] call vundle#config#init() endf 

Instead of just calling

 call vundle#rc() 

in vimrc use

  call vundle#rc("~/here/please/vundle/install/all/plugins") 


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