I have a problem in my hand.
I have a url, and when I initiate a connection to that url and execute url.getContent (). The response is of type sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$HttpInputStream
I tried to assign the output to HttpURLConnectionHttpInputStream h = url.getContent()
. But I did not succeed. I imported the appropriate libraries for coding, but still no luck.
If I check url.getContent () in eclipse, it also shows the thei $ 0 variable in it.
All I need is the url in this 0 $. But so far I canβt get it back.
This $ 0 has a url of variable names, and I'm trying to extract it.
I am also having a hard time understanding this $ 0 and hoe to get it.
After using streams I get unreadable output
Relationship Dheeraj Joshi
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