ORM for postgresql / node.js


Node.js is very active. There are at least several libraries for postgresql / ORM.

Right now - March 2012 , I’m looking for one that is mature enough, ready for production and similar to Mongoose.

Please share if you have had real experience with them.

Yes, I saw this question and a dozen others.

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5 answers

Did you tag jugglingdb ? There is no finished product yet, but it is growing rapidly. I support this project, so feel free to ask any questions you have.


Take a look at this ORM: https://npmjs.org/package/bookshelf (for large db) https://npmjs.org/package/light-orm (for simple db)


sails.js is the most popular MVC environment for node.js and supports postgres and dozens of other databases. sails.js has been used in production for thousands of web applications and is definitely worth exploring.


sequelizejs is an ORM that supports various SQL databases in nodejs; this url of this documentation is currently : Sequelizejs ORM for Nodejs


typeorm is a form that supports various databases. this form supports migration (for me this is a very important feature). It also supports typing.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911161/

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