Scala SBT project to create several modules for launch cans

I am having problems creating and running an SBT project.

  • The protocol project is used by several modules, including the daemon.

  • The demon project must be packaged as an executable jar.

What is the β€œright” way to do this?

Here is my build.scala:

object MyBuild extends Build { lazy val buildSettings = Seq( organization := "com.example", version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT", scalaVersion := "2.9.1" ) lazy val root = Project( id = "MyProject", base = file("."), aggregate = Seq(protocol, daemon) ) lazy val protocol = Project( id = "Protocol", base = file("Protocol") ) lazy val daemon = Project( id = "Daemon", base = file("Daemon"), dependencies = Seq(protocol) ) // (plus more projects) 
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1 answer

The right way to do this is to use one of the sbt plugins to create jars. I tested both single-jar and assembly and both have support for excluding libraries from your jar. You can add settings to individual projects so that only some of them create banks.

I personally use assembly, but as this post indicates, you will run into problems if you have overlapping file names.


In the above example, you added the following imports at the top:

 import sbtassembly.Plugin._ import AssemblyKeys._ 

You would modify the project this way:

 lazy val daemon = Project( id = "Daemon", base = file("Daemon"), dependencies = Seq(protocol), settings = assemblySettings ) 

Also you need to add the following to project/plugins.sbt (for sbt.11):

 addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.7.3") resolvers += Resolver.url("sbt-plugin-releases", new URL(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns) 

If you decide to go with Assembly, you probably need to remove duplicate files. Here is an example build code to avoid duplicate files in a project named "projectName". This should be added as part of the settings sequence for the project. Please note that the second compilation is a basic implementation and is required.

 excludedFiles in assembly := { (bases: Seq[File]) => bases.filterNot(_.getAbsolutePath.contains("projectName")) flatMap { base => //Exclude all from other peoples jars ((base * "*").get collect { case f if f.getName.toLowerCase == "" => f }) ++ //Exclude the license and manifest from the exploded jars ((base / "META-INF" * "*").get collect { case f if f.getName.toLowerCase == "license" => f case f if f.getName.toLowerCase == "" => f }) } } 


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