Sql split field by comma delimiter

Given the following.

Products_Joined.METATAG_Keywords AS Keyword, 

This returns the value for the keyword.


I bind to split this into separate fields.

 keyword1 shoe keyword2 sneaker keyword3 boot keyword4 slipper 

Something like a Javascript split function in a comma delimiter.

Unfortunately, this is how this field is stored in the database.

EDIT: Although I don't think this matters much, I provided a complete sql query, maybe someone can determine which version of SQL this is.

 SELECT 'home-and-garden-products > home decorations > rugs' AS Category, SUBSTRING(Products_Joined.ProductName, 6,LEN(Products_Joined.ProductName)) AS [stripHTML-Title], 'Config_FullStoreURL' + 'ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=' + Products_Joined.IsChildOfProductCode AS Link, Products_Joined.ProductCode AS SKU, CAST(IsNull(Products_Joined.SalePrice,Products_Joined.ProductPrice) AS VARCHAR(30)) AS Price, Products_Joined.ProductManufacturer AS Brand, Products_Joined.UPC_code AS UPC, 'Config_FullStoreURLConfig_ProductPhotosFolder/' + IsNull(Products_Joined.IsChildOfProductCode,Products_Joined.ProductCode) + '-2T.jpg' AS Image, Products_Joined.ProductDescription AS [stripHTML-DESCRIPTION], Products_Joined.ProductManufacturer AS Manufacturer, Products_Joined.vendor_partno AS [Mfr part number], '0' AS [Shipping Cost], Products_Joined.Google_Color AS Color, Products_Joined.Google_Material AS Material, Products_Joined.ProductWeight AS [Shipping Weight], Products_Joined.Google_Size AS Size, Products_Joined.METATAG_Keywords AS Keyword, Products_Joined.ProductWeight AS Weight FROM Products_Joined WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE (Products_Joined.ProductPrice > 0) AND (Products_Joined.IsChildOfProductCode IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY Products_Joined.ProductCode 
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2 answers

You may find that this page contains the solution you are looking for.

Hope this helps!


Check out this SPLIT feature, which I hope will provide the solution you are looking for - http://vadivel.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-split-delimited-string-values-in.html


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911087/

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