What is the relationship between Passenger and Capistrano?

I'm relatively inexperienced in rails, and I'm confused by the fact that Capistrano fits into the life cycle of the rails application.

In my opinion, the following steps are for the rails application to complete.

  • Select and configure a host (e.g. linode)
  • Install apache2
  • Install rvm
  • Set ruby ​​and set rails
  • Install passenger
  • Build the application and test in the .com000000 domain with the "rails s" command

However, it is not clear to me how the following steps work. In particular:

a) The live rails application should work in production mode on the .com domain, I assume the passenger does this?

b) If I created an application on domain.com{000, do I need to do anything in the rails configuration before it works on domain.com?

c) Where is capistrano located? If a passenger can make my application run on domain.com, what does capistrano do?

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1 answer

a) Exactly, a passenger working with a web server such as Apache does it for you.

b) Your local web server is different from Passenger. To configure it in your domain, you will need to normally create your own domain and set up a website, as you usually set up a website in your apache configuration (or another).

c) Capistrano is a jewel that allows you to write scripts that automate things like restarting a web server or installing certain production versions, etc.

For more information about Capistrano:



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/911074/

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