Google visualization API: line chart - hide negative values ​​on the y axis

I use the Google visualization API to build a line chart. Here are the codes:

google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawCharts); function drawCharts() { // Total Coupon View var data_total_users = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data_total_users.addColumn('string', 'Total Users'); data_total_users.addColumn('number', 'User Count'); data_total_users.addRows(7); data_total_users.setValue(0, 0, 'Sunday'); data_total_users.setValue(0, 1, 10); data_total_users.setValue(1, 0, 'Monday'); data_total_users.setValue(1, 1, 4); data_total_users.setValue(2, 0, 'Tuesday'); data_total_users.setValue(2, 1, 3); data_total_users.setValue(3, 0, 'Wednesday'); data_total_users.setValue(3, 1, 7); data_total_users.setValue(4, 0, 'Thursday'); data_total_users.setValue(4, 1, 8); data_total_users.setValue(5, 0, 'Friday'); data_total_users.setValue(5, 1, 10); data_total_users.setValue(6, 0, 'Saturday'); data_total_users.setValue(6, 1, 10); var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_users_total')); chart.draw(data_total_users, {width: 1000, height: 400, title: '', hAxis: {title: ''}}); } 

The result is as follows:

Screen shot

Question : How to remove -0.5, -1.0? In addition, I would like to have integers (for example, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...) along the Y axis. Which parameter should I add?

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2 answers

In your chart.draw call, add: vAxis: {viewWindow: {min: 0}}


if the vAxis parameters are set: {viewWindow: {min: 0}} does not work, try setting vAxis: {viewWindow: {min: 0, max: 10}}



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